Thursday, June 21, 2012

Went to the Rheumatologist today.  My neck has been killing me!  I kept thinking I was having migraines because my neurologist told me that neck pain can be a migraine.  (Not if you have Ankylosing Spondylitis!) Anyway, my Rheumy injected my neck and OMGosh, does it feel better!  She was running extremely late (2hrs!), so I asked if we (my daughter & I) could go to lunch then return.  They said "Oh sure!  There's 2 people ahead of you!"  We went to eat and the Vet called and the dogs were ready to go too.  So after we finished lunch we went and got the dogs and brought them home.   Incidentally, on the way to the Rheumy and the Vet I got stopped for speeding!  There was no way I could fight it, I saw him and he saw me, so that was it!  The policeman was real nice and everything, I just hated getting a ticket!   Now I realize it was probably funny stopping a woman with 2 dogs in the car!  They kept barking at him and Forrest (my big one), kept sticking his head out the driver side window!  I could just see it: "Woman Stopped for Speeding, Police Officer bit my Woman's Dog!"
The pain is SO much better since the injection!  Those steroid shots are like magic!  I probably won't have much bone left as I age.  Steroids decrease your bone mass.  Having Ankylosing Spondylitis decreases your bone mass.  I'm on steroids quite often because of my Common Variable Immune Disorder. Steroids also increase your chance of developing Cataracts.  After going to the Ophthalmologist, I found out I have Cataracts!  (Not bad enough to require surgery, yet.)  So steroids are my friend and my enemy.  How else am I going to live with the pain and the recurrent sinus infections or Asthma flares?  I just live one day at a time and pray and hope for the best!
My daughter and myself are leaving to go to see my parents on Saturday morning.  I'm bringing them a co-op basket of produce.  I'm also bringing homemade Muscadine Grape Jelly.  I also have some frozen dinners I've made for them. 
My father has Prostate Cancer and we are each taking turns driving him to radiation.  He was driving himself but now he gets too tired.  So I'm going to give my sister a break.  It will be good to see them again, although I don't know how the week will go...
I have Muscadine grapes coming out of my ears!  I guess because of all the rain this year, we have a bumper crop!  I've made jelly and Dave wants to make wine!  Should be fun! 
I'm getting tired and need to rest, been going all day.  Later!


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